Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Setting-up Lotto Outlet in a Stand-Alone Supermarket???

LOTTO OUTLET; RICHARDJOSEPHSIY A Lotto customer of mine (who happens to be a former Logistics Manager of a foreign Telecom Equipment supplier in the Philippines) was asking me of the viability of setting-up a Lotto Outlet in a newly-opened Stand-alone Supermarket and I told him the ff:

1. The supermarket in question is about 50 to 80 meters away from the Main road intersection which means people going there do so because they need to grocery;

2. People getting off buses and jeepneys at the intersection may not necessarily want to walk the distance to the supermarket unless they need to grocery;

3. In the supermarket, there are no other crowd drawers like cinemas, known fast-food restaurants, video arcades and the like. People just go there to shop.

4. When it rains which is half the year, all the more people will not walk to go there;

5. There is an island break to allow cars to make a U-turn after going to the supermarket. Because the U-turn slot is so near the intersection, cars tend to get locked in traffic just after a Green Light because of cars attempting to rreach the U-turn slot from the supermarket. There may be a chance in the future that that U-turn slot may be relocated further down the road to ease the congestion in the area.

6. It would seem that your target market will only be people who grocery. People with loaded pushcarts may not want to line-up at the lotto outlet. Is there enough shoppers interested in playing the lotto?

That will be a question any would-be lotto agent should ask himself no matter how seemingly attractive the site may be is can the site generate enough Sales especially since the rent is near the P30,000/month level.

TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PICKING THE RIGHT LOCATION FOR YOUR LOTTO OUTLET, text Lotto Setup and your full name to 0922-8831225.


  1. thank you. I really appreciate your visit to my blog. Can you suggest how I can improve and to make it more relevant to you and your group?


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