Monday, June 7, 2010

Livelihood Training Grads with No Where To Go

A couple of weeks back I was talking with one of the senior Kagawad (Town Council Elder) of the Barangay (Town) where my Lotto outlet is located.

I told him that as part of the social projects of the local government, it seems so many livelihood projects are being offered churning out so many graduates and yet I do not seem to know of a program to hire these grads or make them small business entrepreneurs.

I would not be surprised if a number of these grads with newly-acquired skills end up as cleaners and menial workers rather than future small business owners.

Would it not be possible for the Government to come up with a Small Business Company with the following features:

1. Employees will only come from the graduates of Govt-run Livelihood programs (Hence, students will be guaranteed work after studies)

2. Funding will be provided by the government but after the initial funding, the Small Business Company must prove its viability

3. Since government is not good in managing enterprise, the Small Business Company will be ran by a Management Team from the private sector

4. Employees will be entitled to Dividends after serving tenure. Dividends will be based on salary-scale and number of shares offered to the employee.

5. To ensure viability, products to be produced must be products that the Government needs and will be covered by a Long-term Supply Contract that includes market-rate pricing

6. The government will save as you cut-off the middlemen.

7. Grads will have a Programmed Career Path i.e. front-line (foremen), Middle (supervisor, junior manager) and Top will be open to them. The rationale is to prepare them to be Entrepreneurs operating their own small businesses.

8. Employees will be encouraged to invest in a Stock Purchase Plan wherein they can purchase shares at par value that is affordable. (THE RATIONALE IS THAT IF THE EMPLOYEE HAS NO FINANCIAL STAKE IN THE SMALL BUSINESS, HE HAS NO INCENTIVE TO CARE FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE SMALL BUSINESS)

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