Sunday, June 20, 2010

Scavenging at Lotto Outlet

We need to have HEART in running a business. Let me explain:

There is these two guys, an old man and a not-so-old man, that used to bother me whenever I see them approach my Lotto outlet. You see, they would rummage my trash cans to retrieve lotto tickets and lotto scratch it cards discarded byLOTTO PCSO TICKET my lotto customers. If that were not enough, they sometimes bother my lotto customers still scratching the cards for their scratched cards and this at times irritates my customers.

The reason for scavenging is in the hope of finding lotto tickets and scratch cards that were thrown away as non-winning but in fact won consolation prizes. At times, these two would get P100 for their effort. They would buy their own lotto ticket (P10/20) and encash the balance.
My first reaction was to stop them from bothering my customers. In fact I did get a tiff with one of them as he wanted me to encash a ticket that he scavenged from a rival lotto outlet and I refused.

In the end, I took stock of the situation and said:

1. They are just trying to make a Living;

2. While it is true that they encash it from me, they at times buy a lotto ticket too. That makes them a customers, isn't it?

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